
Mugen archive screenpacks 1.1
Mugen archive screenpacks 1.1

mugen archive screenpacks 1.1

Īrchaic Mugen 1.1 with 598 slots (Lithium Flower.) : Archaic Mugen 1.1 with 598 slots by Lithium Flower, Slot Edit by Jaried NecosiaĮnigma 1.1 with +1000 slots (Lithium Flower.) : Enigma 1.1 with +1000 slots This is an upgrade I made for the screenpack World Heroes 2, which is based in the NES bootleg video game. World Heroes 2 Evolution (petkov20) : Hello guys. I changed the actual lifebar of imt green to other lifebar MUGEN IMT GREEN 1.1 (Alexander Cooper.) : MUGEN IMT GREEN 1.1b1, converted to 1.1 by Jaried Necosia Mugen One Must fall 2097-1.1b1 (General Chicken.) : Mugen One Must fall 2097-1.1, 396 Slots by Jaried Necosia NEW VER: forums/downloads.php?do=f ile&id=185229-mugen-d a-epic-v2-mapg519-nicknam e64 Mugen da epic v1 (mapg519) : i got help from a frend wolfie and this is the result I included the base files necessary for the. . I'll still update it with some cosmetic changes, but i think it's good enough for use. IKEMEN - Battle for All (AGenericDude) : This is my custom screenpack for IKEMEN that i want to share. MUGEN Fighting is Magic 1.1 (Dylanius9000 &.) : MLP Fighting is Magic 1.1 Converted by Jaried Necosia MK 1 New SP 1.0 (chuchoryu) : atch?v=lyh5JOB1kX4 Up to 219 slots.Įnemies of Fear MUGEN 1.1 (NoZ, 1.1 Converted.) : i converted this screenpack to 1.1 back in 2021 MUGEN DA EPIC V2 (mapg519/Nickname64) : this is an updated of Mugen da epic :dirol::dirol::dirol::dir ol:Ĭlasic Style Screenpack : Extended clasic bluish screenpack. MUGEN Kombat Fighers!! (Animefan397 (Noah)) : Decided To Make It Public!!!! Go to your data and find the file called moved my version to the data. Ikemen go with 6844 slots (original by.) : Ikemen go but with 6844 slots. I'm too lazy to count, you do it.Įverything Vs. MUGEN Megamix HD Remix (Devon) : This screenpack has 400+ slots. See comment section for nag screen removal instructions, or. . WARNING : This version has an "April fool" nag-screen ! MUGEN Megamix Black Edition (Devon) : MUGEN 1.1 Mirror Link (courtesy of xWagnerPlaguesx :bow:) : open?id=1xwcI9vWmUObxXrri QdyFBFipRuMKNWGs MUGEN ARCHIVE SP (Trav510) : The new official MUGEN ARCHIVE Screen Pack !

mugen archive screenpacks 1.1

You have 4 versions in 1 package, there is a 150+ characters version you can find the ports in the ports and templates folder, there. . Legacy screenpack (Custom) (Noz) : Original version of Legacy Custom screenpack, Mugen 1.1b1. Legacy screenpack (NoZ) : Original (untouched) version of Legacy screenpack with normal ports.

Mugen archive screenpacks 1.1