With deftly written characters, an exceedingly good tale, and smart tweaks to the layered combat system, Fire Emblem: Three Houses is an astonishing experience from start to finish. And more than any other Fire Emblem game before it, Three Houses encourages multiple playthroughs to see the whole story, and each playthrough is different. See our Fire Emblem: Three Houses review. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is arguably the best Nintendo Switch game. In fact, many would consider it the best entry in the storied series and one of the best games ever made. Breath of the Wild was Nintendo's first real foray into open-world games, and it's easily one of the best in class. Breath of the Wild provides a sense of exploration never before seen in the series. The sprawling open world of Hyrule is gorgeous and serves as Link’s personal playground.

He can climb virtually anything, which creates an incredible sense of scale and freedom.

This overarching change extends to the central progression as well.